Fleet and Family Support Center

Career Opportunities

Fulfilling careers are found in the Navy’s Fleet and Family Support Program. Civilians, military spouses, and transitioning service members are invited to join our team and make a real difference. Watch the video below to learn more.

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The Fleet and Family Support Center is located on the third floor of the Community Services Building (S-456). The staff can offer assistance in many ways that will enhance a tour in the Mid-South. We offer many services including, but not limited to, Information and Referral (I&R) Program, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, Family Advocacy Program (FAP), financial education, Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP), Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP), Life Skills, Relocation Assistance Program (RAP), Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), Deployment Support and Ombudsman Program. The FFSC is open to all active duty, Reserve, Retiree, DoD civilians and their Family members.

One of the many FFSC functions is the Information and Referrals (I&R) Program. The I&R program helps Sailors and families find the information and services they need within the FFSC, the Navy and the local community. Just call FFSC with your questions and we can save you a lot of time trying to track down the information yourself.  When unsure of where to go for help, the FFSC can find the answers.

The Navy’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program is designed to provide awareness and prevention education and assist victims of sexual assault. The Navy’s goal is to create a positive working and living environment for Service members and their families and toward that end has developed policies that provide professional, caring and timely intervention to personnel reporting a sexual assault.  These policies are in place to facilitate the Navy’s “zero tolerance” for these crimes. The program is available to all active duty members and their dependents 18 years of age and older and provides awareness and prevention education, and direct service provision to those reporting a sexual assault.  Response services include reporting options, (Restricted and Unrestricted) based on individual needs at the time of the assault.  Both options ensure that mental health, advocacy, and forensic/medical services are available.  An unrestricted report includes Command and Law Enforcement involvement. SAPR personnel includes the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), and Civilian as well as Unit Victim Advocates, (UVA).     

The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) offers awareness and prevention programs to commands, childcare providers, individuals, couples, families and community groups on issues of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and child sexual abuse. FAP offers assessment, intervention, victim advocacy and case management.

Licensed counselors provide family, marital, couples, children, individualized and group counseling. Whether counseling for a specific issue or if unsure of clinical resources available to you, the counseling staff is ready to help.

A key service provided by the FFSC is the Personal Financial Management (PFM) program. How personnel controls their money affects their standard of living, retirement, marriage, job performance and attitudes about themselves. PFM classes include budgeting, banking, debt/credit management, saving and investing, insurance and retirement planning and many other topics are also offered. Individual personal financial management services are provided to enhance the economic well-being of the military family.

The Family Employment Readiness Program (FERP) provides military spouses and their family members employment-focused assistance or referral to include skill building, career planning and education, résumé writing, interviewing techniques and job search. Within the FFSC is the Career Development and Resource Center (CDRC). In the CDRC are many different resources to assist patrons in their job search. Many Memphis area businesses list their job openings with us.  Our center provides laser printers, computers, Internet access, résumé building computer program and books, computer tutorials, copying and faxing capabilities in a one-stop location for any quality job search effort.

Life Skills education fosters good relations, healthy families and strong marriages through classes designed to promote optimal emotional and physical health. We offer classes in anger management, stress management, conflict resolution, communication skills, marriage enrichment and effective parenting.

The Relocation Assistance Program (RAP) provides information that can be accessed from Plan My  Move, https://www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil and via the Military Installation Directory at https://militaryinstallations.dod.mil.

The Loaner Locker provides items such as cookware, dinnerware, folding mattresses, irons and ironing boards for temporary use of new arriving personnel awaiting household goods shipments.

When service members transfer into the area, a command sponsor is made available to them and their family by their receiving command. The FFSC provides training to commands on their Sponsorship Program, which is designed to ease the transition of service members and their families to a new working and living environment, to reduce the anxiety associated with any PCS move and to expedite the newcomer’s ability to become a productive member of the receiving command. Please contact your command if you are interested in obtaining a sponsor.

Another service offered by the FFSC is Deployment Support. The Navy is sending Sailors to assist with the Overseas Contingency Operations. When a Sailor is sent as an Individual Augmentee (IA), we can offer information on how to prepare the Sailor and their family for the unique challenges of the deployment. We provide support for the family throughout the entire deployment, and we offer Return and Reunion Programs to help with the reintegration of the Sailor.

The Ombudsman Program is made up of spouses appointed by the Commanding Officer of each command.  Ombudsmen are key resources for family members, particularly during deployments. They can facilitate the flow of information between Command and family members. In support of Ombudsmen, the Center trains Ombudsmen, attends Ombudsmen assemblies and offers support and up-to-date information about the program.

Retiree volunteers staff the Retired Activities Office (RAO). They serve as an information liaison and advisory center for military retirees and their families, as well as active duty personnel nearing retirement.

For more information on classes or workshops we have available to you, your family or to your command, please contact us. You can reach us by calling (901) 874-5075 or (866)225-8582.