New Parent Support Program

NSAMS does not have the New Parent Support Program,
but our Clinical team is happy to assist any family with parenting needs.

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The New Parent Support Home Visitation Program (NPSHVP) is a free support service program designed to meet the needs of expectant active-duty military personnel, their spouses and those families with children up until the age of 4. The program was created to provide prenatal and parenting skills education to active-duty service members and their families.

NPSHVP’s primary goal is to enhance parent’s quality of life by empowering them to meet the challenges of parenthood, while maintaining a military lifestyle. The program offers a variety of services, including prenatal health and nutrition consultation, breastfeeding education, early child development education, parenting skills on a home visit basis.

NPSHVP professionals know that raising a family is very rewarding and sometimes can be challenging. The Home Visitors are committed to helping military families and their children maintain a strong and healthy family.

Every Day Counts! Have questions on childbirth, breastfeeding, calming a crying baby, potty training, disciplining or other parenting concerns? Learn more about your child’s social and emotional competencies and physical development. For FREE.